Collected Design – Brand Photography

Brand Photography | More than just a Headshot

We LOVE collaborating with other business owners. We know how important your business is to you – and we truly believe that personal branding is a huge part of what people are looking for when they’re hiring your business. They want to know WHO is behind this work that they love so much. It’s important to show your face, show what it looks like to work with you. When Collected approached us for some updated headshots for their team, we dove in a little bit further with them. What does “headshots” mean to you? Is it just a pretty picture of your face? Or is it photos of you in your element? Photos of you doing whatever it is you do! We wanted to show that these women are more than just “interior designers” They are artists. They’re architects. They’re businesswomen who pour their hearts into what they do – and they’re damn good at what they do too! We wanted to show their craft in a unique way, with a kind of behind the scenes feel to it! What do you think? Do you feel like you know these ladies a little bit more than by just seeing a picture of their smiling face from these photos?