
Brand Discovery, Web Design

People say that your website is like your digital handshake. It’s a new acquaintance’s first impression, and it’s a long-time friend’s welcome again. It’s such an important landing place that must marry design, information, branding and everything in between all into one space.

The beginning of a website build starts well before any design, coding or copy are pulled into place – it begins with the heart and soul of the business or in this case the church. We researched and worked with the church’s communications team to establish the church “brand” – the mission, vision, values and voice of their church. We discussed the pain points, the information avenues that were needed, must haves, wishes and even future ideas.

We first had to establish – is the website here for new guests? Or is it here for the thousands of members and consistent church-goers? Is the language beneficial to both? Will a new guest understand the language of the church’s descriptions and narrative. Will the new guest be able to find the information they are looking for in an instant? Will current members be able to find the things that they are used to using when they visit this new website?

With a church of this size – there are many moving pieces, but a few things remain the same. Their livestream of services is a huge draw for many members (especially during the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020) and must be easily accessible. They also offer a variety of services within the church building on Sunday mornings and these needed to be communicated in a way that both members and guests could understand and determine which service they would like to attend to fit their style. We condensed the ministry pages into sections so that it wasn’t as overwhelming and you didn’t have to click through several different pages to get the information you were looking for. For example if you’re a student or the parent of a child – you can easily go to one page to find the right ministry for the age range of your child.

It was a big project to take on as one of our “first” professional builds- but we learned a great deal and feel very proud with the way the website turned out! We will stay on to help with updates as needed and are excited to see it grow and evolve with the church!

On to the next!!